Close-up of the OxyReduct logo which is printed onto the systems

OxyReduct­ P-Line®

Medium to large scale nitrogen generation using the PSA process

For active fire prevention, the OxyReduct­ P-Line® applies the proven PSA method. It generates the required nitrogen volumes, reducing oxygen levels in the protected area, through pressure swing adsorption (PSA). Thanks to reasonable investment costs and moderate energy consumption, the P-Line is the ideal solution for many applications in medium and large protected areas.


PSA technology for nitrogen generation

In OxyReduct®­ nitrogen generation with PSA technology, the ambient air is compressed and prepared. In a pressure swing adsorption (PSA) process, the oxygen and nitrogen molecules are separated from this air with the help of carbon molecular sieves (CMS). Therefore, the prepared compressed air is led through a container filled with CMS. 

Functional Principle of the OxyReduct P-Line

The oxygen is absorbed by the sieve, while the nitrogen is introduced into the protected area. Once the adsorption material is saturated, the filtered nitrogen is released through pressure relief and discharged into the environment. The adsorbent regenerates and the process starts again. Two containers are used that alternate in adsorbing and desorbing material. This ensures continuous nitrogen supply in the protected area.


The advantages of the OxyReduct­ P-Line® with PSA technology at a glance

Umbrella as an icon


Oxygen reduction minimizes the risk of a fire

A shield symbol with a tick


Reliable nitrogen generation and supply

Stacked squares


The individual components can be installed flexibly either in the operating area or in separate rooms

Icon universal globe


Suitable for applications in different sizes of protected areas

Curved paper as an icon


OxyReduct­ P-Line® is part of the VdS-approved OxyReduct®­ system

An icon in the shape of a cross made of arrows


Especially variable in terms of nitrogen supply performance; optional connection of multiple systems

Markus Kock: Managing Director, WAGNER Deutschland GmbH

You’d like to learn more about this or other nitrogen generators?

I’d be happy to help.

Dipl.-Ing. Markus Kock

Managing Director, WAGNER­ Deutschland GmbH
